Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Look Good Naked - Weight Loss Tips

Everybody wants to know how to lose weight fast and easy, easy ways to lose weight fast,best diet to lose weight and how to lose weight quick. In this article I will show how you can do these things by following simple diets and easy weight loss exercises at home.


If you want to really get that sexy weight you crave, what you really need is concentration. Many people have high concentration at the start of their diets but then start to get lazy and give up. If you want that sexy body you should never give up and always stay concentrated on the task. If you really believe in yourself and know that you can do it, losing weight will be a breeze. A great way to keep your concentration is to write down all your goals and expectations on losing weight. Write down what you don't like about your weight and on the next page write down what weight you want to be, then write down how you are going to achieve this weight.

The Right Diet

Eating French fries all day will not get you that body that you want. Make sure you take your diet very seriously and write down everything you eat. If you know that your current diet is unhealthy, you should completely change it to a much more healthier one. Instead of pizza and hamburgers, try eating some pasta and fish, instead of drinking Dr. Pepper, try drinking some water. Stuff like protein, vitamins and minerals will help you lose weight in not time at all because they are the best weight loss foods.

Weight loss exercises

Doing simple weight loss exercises like running and jogging will help you lose a ton of weight in no time. Just by walking one mile you can lose a lot of calories. Jogging is a very effective weight loss exercise because it works out our whole body making it look leaner and healthier. Bike rides are a great way to make your legs and bum looking sexy because it tones it up making it look very nice.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Program

Gender and Weight Loss

Does your gender play a role in how you lose weight? Studies show that your gender, whether you are male or female, can have an affect on weight loss. When choosing to go on a diet with your significant other, feelings of unfairness may arise with females often because in most cases, men to seem to lose weight effortlessly.

So why is it males seem to lose weight at a faster rate than females? The biological reason for this is because men have a lot more lean muscle mass than women. Lean muscle mass is responsible for burning fat even when the body is at rest. Hormonally, women have much higher quantities of estrogen in their systems than do men. Estrogen is responsible for hanging on to body fat to prepare the body for pregnancy. This also is a factor as to why women have a harder time losing weight.

From another physical stand point, women have much smaller lung capacity than do men. This physical characteristic may make it seem like it takes a longer time for women's bodies to respond to exercise than do men.

It is because of these physical characteristics that women are more likely to use diet pill than men. Some popular diet pills that help women to lose weight have vitamin and mineral supplements as well as appetite suppressing supplements like african hoodia. These extra supplements help to given an extra edge when it comes to stubborn weight.

Remember, no matter if you are male or female, even if the weight may seem to come off slowly at first, it is important to never stop with a fitness routine. Regular exercise is the best way to stay healthy, fight off disease, and perform at your best.

For More Related Topics Blog: Pcos Weight Loss

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Behavior Change to Lose Weight

If you are looking for a healthy way to lose weight, you should come to physical activity. It can help you lose weight and build an overall healthy lifestyle.

You use more calories and lose body fat in the physical activity. If you are making your weight loss plan, you need to include physical activity in it. Many studies suggest that those who put physical activity into their weight loss programs are more likely to keep their weight off. Although some people lose pound by changing the diet, physical activity generates more satisfactory results.

Physical activity is favorable because it can not only promote weight control but also do good to the fitness. It improves your strength and flexibility, lowers your risk of heart disease, and decrease stress.

You can choose any physical activity you like. Physical activity such as walking, jogging, dancing and doing housework can increase the number of calories your body uses.

Once you begin your weight loss program, you should stick to it. You should do physical activity regularly. You should make it a part of our daily life. In that way, you will find it is easy for you to achieve your weight loss goal.

You can try to change your behavior to achieve your goal. You can make some changes to your eating habit and lifestyle, which will help you lose weight and keep it off. You need to give up your habit which leads you to overeat or be inactive. Changing your eating and physical activity behaviors increases your chances of losing weight and keeping it off.

When you are making efforts to change your behavior, you can seek support from others, which is a good way to help you maintain your new eating and physical activity habits.

For More Related Topics Blog: A Good Weight Loss Diet

Is HCG Weight Loss For Real Or is it Just More Diet Hype?

HCG weight loss has been a very popular subject of discussion lately - ever since the scientific community discovered its useful properties, many products appeared on the market claiming to make the most out of what HCG offers. But for many people, the most important question remains unsolved - does HCG really work for losing weight, or is it just a placebo effect? To fully understand how HCG manages to help you lose weight, you must first learn some background information about it.

HCG stands for "human chorionic gonadotrophin", and it is a special type of glycoprotein hormone which female humans produce during their pregnancy. Its purpose is to protect the developing fetus from a variety of factors, and it achieves this by controlling the balance of various chemicals around it. One of the effects from the alteration of this chemical balance is that the fetus improves its ability to consume abnormal adipose deposits. Through experimentation, it was discovered that the same effect, when utilized on an adult, causes the body to use fat cells with a stronger "preference" as opposed to lean mass cells when burning calories.

This alone may not make much of a change for those who are not leading active lives - but if you frequently exercise, you will definitely notice a huge improvement in your performance - since you'll be burning a higher percentage of fat cells than usual, an arbitrary duration of exercising will produce better results when using HCG as opposed to when you're not. On the other hand, somebody leading a sedentary lifestyle will probably notice next to no improvement - since such a person would not be burning any large number of calories on a daily basis to begin with, an increase in the percentage of fat calories burned won't make much of a difference.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Training Workouts

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dietary Changes Which Result in Some of the Best Weight Loss

Healthy eating habits can lead to a healthy waistline. If we pay close attention to the foods which we consume we can lose weight and feel better in no time. In this article I will reveal several dietary changes which you can make in order to reap some of the best weight loss results.

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8 Tips To Create Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan

Here are 8 tips to help speed up your rapid weight loss diet.

1. Ensure a good daily intake of vegetables, especially the leafy green ones. Such foods are rich in vitamins and minerals.

2. Take high fiber. This may help with a number of minor conditions, such as, constipation, as well as having long term health benefits. High fiber foods include: beans, pulses, fruits and vegetables, as well as the cereals.

3. Make a varied and interesting diet. Eating a limited range of foods may make it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of all the nutrients required. Eating should be a pleasure and a social event - so try to take pleasure and interest in the food you are eating. A good variety also helps reduce the development of food allergies and sensitivities.

4. Drink lots of water. Drink at least 6 - 8oz glasses of water each day. Weight loss depends on flusing your system out, and you must stay hydrated during that process. Nothing slows down your more that no keeping it hydrated. Water helps speed up weight loss and it helps keep your stomach filled between small meals. If you are constantly in hot weather make sure you are always replenishing fluids that you are losing.

5. Up your protein take. Make sure you are eating lean protein with every meal. It helps build muscle tissue and will help your weight loss. Some types of lean protein are Roast Beef, Turkey, Eye of Round Steaks, Chicken and Fish.

6. Make breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast is the most important thing you can do each and every day. Never skip breakfast, it kicks starts your metabolism and gives you energy throughout the day.

7. Keep the intake of sugars and fats to a minimum. The fats to be avoided are the saturated fats and the trans-fatty acids.

8. Exercise is extremely important. It is necessary to indulge in mild physical activity after each meal even if you cannot make time to go to a gym.

I hope you use these tips to help speed up your rapid weight loss diet plan.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight In A Week Fast

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Better Weight Loss Workout For Women

Are you sick of the fluff weight loss programs in women's magazines? Sick of being given ineffective, machine based workouts that don't improve your physique and performance? Sick of being treated with kid gloves by your trainer?

You won't achieve your dream body by lifting soup cans or by working in your fat buring zone for 20 minutes per day on the elliptical machine. Do you see really fit women (or men) doing that?

No, the real hardbodies are in the weight room or even in the yoga studio, using at least their own bodyweight for strength training, if not additional dumbbell weight.

Programs that promise you success with soup cans or water jugs are baloney. You can see right through those programs.

If you really want abs, or to get down to 15% bodyfat, you need a real workout. You need to step outside of your comfort zone in the gym, and say goodbye to long, slow cardio and light and easy strength training.

Doing one set of pushups is better than doing one set of every triceps kickback exercise and pecdec you can find. Why? Because it trains your entire body. Have you ever seen a woman with flabby arms that can do 15 pushups? I tell ya, they are rare. What about a woman that can do a real chinup? Aren't those the girls with killer arms and visible abs?

You bet.

So stick with a program of basic total-body strength exercises done in a total body workout 3 times per week. Save the bodypart splits for Arnold wanna-bees. And step up your cardio to include interval training. The change in your program will cause your body to burn a lot more calories after the workout, and that's when you'll start to melt fat and sculpt your body.

Best Weight Loss Pills - Which Ones Actually Work?

Let's say you've decided you want to lose some of your excess weight, and you're not sure whether you can do it on your own. Then you might be looking for a little extra support in the form a weight loss pill. I see it happening around me all the time. People assume they can't do it on their own, so they seek support from a drug.

While I am no supporter of using (too many) of that kind of supplements in order to get results, I have learned a thing or two about them in all my years of training. If you absolutely have to get your hands on some pills to help you burn the fat, I seriously recommend that you never, ever let yourself become dependant on them.

Seriously... dependancy on pills is a good way to sabotage yourself. Don't do it. Always keep in mind that weight loss supplements are just that... supplements! They help you achieve a few percents more results than you would if you didn't use them. It's only a few percent. And most of the time, you lose these few percents when you stop taking the pills.

When shopping for the best weight loss pills, look at the ingredient effectivity, the value for money, the long term benefits and the safety. These are the most important aspects of fat loss pills.

These dietary supplements can help you lose weight in several ways. Some of them act as appetite suppressants, making you feel full and making it easier on you to eat less. Others will attach to the foods you eat and block them from absorption into the body, automatically cutting the calories you take in. Yet others try to increase your metabolism, making it easier for you to create a daily calorie deficit.

Think about which type of weight loss pill you need the most. Never try more than one at a time, either. Finish a bottle before you try another!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Great Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

If you are struggling with your weight, you might have tried a lot of different diets and exercises that promotes weight loss. You must have heard of a lot stories about a friend of a friend trying out this new diet pill on the market and has lost a lot of weight because of it. Nutritional supplements are not bad; in fact they are perfect if you are using them properly. There are many pills that are not good for your body that might harm your digestive system. If your digestive system will be damaged, it will be much more difficult to lose weight.

The first secret of weight loss is having the proper food intake and various exercise routines. These days, a lot of advertisements are claiming that the people who tried their products really lost a lot of weight. These claims might be true but one thing is for sure. Those people who tried those products could not have lost weight if not for proper diet and regular exercise.

Both should work hand in hand to be sure to boost your weight loss. If you just exercise but still maintain the habit of eating any kind of food that you wanted including junk food, fatty foods and other kinds of foods that are bad for your health, you will never lose weight. You will just burn off the calories that you have been piling inside your body. Exercise is supposed to burn those calories because they become energy that you use every single day. On the other hand, if you only watched your diet and not exercise, it will be difficult for you to lose weight. If you starve yourself or if you go on a crash diet, your body will react negatively to it. Instead of losing weight, your body will store the calories that you eat because it knows that it will take a long time before you eat again.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Amazing Weight Loss Tip - Walking to Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight but don't want to really exercise and sweat your butt off? No problem! Because walking is the easiest way for you to lose weight without much effort.

In fact, I'm going to give you some awesome tips that helps you lose 10 pounds a month without much effort, but you have to combine it with some healthy eating habits.

This is a sure fire way to lose weight.

So let's dig right into to my walking to weight loss tip.

If the first thing you want to do is walk for 1 hour a day, five times a week. Even if you don't burn a lot of calories during your 1 hour walk compared to 1 hour running ... but if you do it five times a week that calories burning adds up.

The secret is consistently, obvious stuff, right?

You cannot just walk once per week and expect to lose weight right. Make a habit of walking every day for an hour -- enjoy the nature, the fresh air and birds that poop everywhere.

Oh! Another thing is that you want to break down your meals into six small meals per day. I don't even consider it 6 small meals - but rather large snacks.

Why would you want to do this?

Because you constantly supply your body with energy so you don't feel that hungry. (Obviously, you'll eat less and lose weight) Plus if you eat six small meals a day, your metabolism would be faster, so you burn fat faster. Pretty obvious right?

Homemade Teas That Help Weight Loss

Do you want to make homemade teas that help weight loss? There are teas which you can do at home. It is simple to make teas. In fact, the good thing about making your own tea is that you can throw out ingredients that are harmful to your body.

You will never know that the commercial tea that you are buying in the market may have ingredients that are not helpful to your body. There are teas that contain herbs that will harm your digestive system.

But if you would rather make your own tea at home, you will be spared from the adverse effects that you might get from the teas that are sold in the market.

The common ingredient that helps you trim down your weight is the Camellia sinensis. This herb is used in making green tea, black tea, oolong tea and other types of teas. If you can grow your own Camellia sinensis, you only need to harvest its leaves. You have the option to have it dried first then grind it and place in a tea bag, or your can brew the fresh leaves right away.

Camellia sinensis is known to be rich with antioxidants and flavonoids that help improves metabolism and promote thermogenesis effects in the body. Thus weight loss is possible.

Other common herbs that you can brew as tea are peppermint, ginger, and spearmint. All these have health benefits in the body. These herbs do not assure you as diet herbs but certainly they have effects that can fortify the body's ability to torch down calories and fats. Take for example ginger. The rhizomes are being brewed to treat other health related problems but due to its capacity to heal indigestion and correct digestive problem, it can lead to weight loss. This is because ginger can strengthen the lipase, a digestive enzyme, in converting more fats.

Peppermint is a natural appetite suppressant herb. It helps cut back your food intake. Like ginger, peppermint can also improve the digestion process. Spearmint on the other hand, has detoxification properties that remove the toxins in the body. It also stimulates enzymes in the body to work properly. Truly, homemade teas that help weight loss have other functions in our system that advances our overall health.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Best For The More Overweight

Fast weight loss is typically not recommended for anyone only looking to lose 2-25 pounds. However, for those who are very overweight to begin with, there are a few fast weight loss methods that can be sustained short term.

One of the more common fast weight loss methods is the very low calorie diet (VLCD). Depending on your caloric intake to begin with, it is typically cut to around 800 calories and should be monitored by a doctor. Because the calories are being reduced so much, a doctor needs to monitor the diet so that the proper nutrients are still being consumed in order to maintain health.

Some side effects of a lower calorie diet are not to be desired. Fatigue, irritability and constipation are some side effects, to name a few. You may also suffer a lowered metabolism from such a shock in diet change or a reduced muscle mass.

A severe reduction in carbohydrates in your diet will also result in fast weight loss. However, most of this weight is typically water or other fluid weight loss. Once carbohydrates are introduced back into the diet, the weight loss will slow or stop altogether.

If you do not want to be so extreme in reducing your calories, there is always portion control. The only problem here is that you have to be strong enough to say no when your mind is pleading for more. However, if you think you can handle it, reducing your portions from the size you normally would eat will most likely have a quick effect on your weight.

Another great idea for fast weight loss is to cut all unhealthy foods you might normally give in to in a given week. This includes all fast foods, fried foods and sweets. Time to raid your food pantry and clean out all those high calorie, high fat goodies. You will soon begin to feel better about yourself and start to make those smart decisions about what you put into your body without even realizing it.

Helpful Weight Loss Information

For many, especially those that are living in developed countries, losing weight is a constant battle that seems impossible. There are many weight loss products, diets, machines, and pills available in the market that claims to help people in their weight lost goals. But those products are not healthy, and would not help you to keep your weight off as long as you would want. Here is an example of how these products work. For many people, when they go about taking those weight lost pills, or try going on a diet without the proper guides of how it is done, their excess weight won't even budge. And for others, they lose it, but it is difficult for them to keep it off for a long time.

Losing your weight can easily be achieved permanently with great guides, like what you can receive from a great weight loss program. Losing weight is all about being properly guided on using the correct methods, so that you can lose your weight fast, permanently, easy and effectively, and you would be able to stick to your weight loss guides for a longer time. It has been observed that it is easier to stick to your weight lost regime, when you are receiving proper weight lost guides, that shows fast results, the guides are easy enough to maintain, and the methods are safe.

With good weight lost guides, shedding your weight would be a lot easier, but if you try losing your weight on your own, and if you are not going about losing your weight with the correct methods, it would be really difficult. Shedding pounds is the easy part, it's keeping it off that's difficult. So you would need great guides that would constantly guide you on the correct methods of doing the right things to keep your weight off. Losing weight is like trying to climb Mount Everest on your own. So I highly would advise you to receive the correct methods from a great system, about how to go about losing your weight, the correct way with out putting so mush stress on the body so that you can maintain your weight lost guides for a longer time.